August 29, 2024

Sustain Africa enters a new chapter from September 2024

Most of Sustain Africa’s active programmes complete at the end of August 2024, at which point Sustain Africa, supported by its current board member organisations AFAP, AGRA, BMGF, IFA, IFDC, Rabobank and USAID, will re-focus on monitoring for a new price spike and ensuring a swift coordinated response should this arise. Sustain Africa will also […]

Most of Sustain Africa’s active programmes complete at the end of August 2024, at which point Sustain Africa, supported by its current board member organisations AFAP, AGRA, BMGF, IFA, IFDC, Rabobank and USAID, will re-focus on monitoring for a new price spike and ensuring a swift coordinated response should this arise.

Sustain Africa will also provide coordination and implementation of multi-stakeholder projects specifically targeted at improving soil health and farmer resilience and will source funding for such projects. Project proposals will be reviewed and approved by the Sustain Africa Board on the basis of expected impact, a viable business case and secured funding.

A potential additional workstream under consideration would aim at supporting specific countries in achieving food autonomy. These would be countries with a combination of; high food imports; a negative trade balance of the food system; vulnerable macro-economic conditions; and existing and endemic levels of hunger, malnutrition and child stunting. The initiative focuses on specific food supply chains with high food import substitution potential, and aims to add value to existing food system initiatives in the countries of operation. A business case for this workstream is in development for proposal to the Sustain Africa Board.

As of October 2024, Sustain Africa’s operations are hosted by IFDC. A new Executive Director is being recruited, replacing current Executive Director, Ben Valk, who will remain closely engaged with Sustain Africa pioneering the Food System Transition business case.

We are in planning stages.
Country coming soon.