While Sustain Africa was initiated as a crisis response mechanism to mitigate the impact of a glo...
In Zambia, Yara, United Capital Fertilizers, FSG and IRM planned to supply 20 thousand MT of fertilizer to 100 thousand farmers subscribed to 500 Cooperatives in the 5 provinces as well as to Farmers subscribed to Apollo Agriculture, a project partner which has over over 15,000 affiliated smallholder farmers.
Farmers received training in Good Agronomic Practices (GAP) such as the use of improved certified seeds and crop protection products via farmer trainings, field days and field demonstration. BAYER, UPL, Syngenta and other seed companies were to provide seed and crop-protection products and training to farmers on the correct use of these products.
The project ran from August, 2023 to April, 2024 and focused on maize, rice, beans and soya beans. The end of project assessment is underway